October 8, 2019 | 7:30PM
Athenaeum Theatre
What’s Interesting
About This Concert
Tage Larsen
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Percy Grainger had a peculiarly close relationship with his mother, Rose, who relentlessly drove him to study art, drama, and music — all while driving away any would-be love interests. Despite this tense relationship (or, perhaps, because of it), Percy composed Molly on the Shore for his mother’s 46th birthday.
Paul Hindemith’s Mathis der Maler Symphony is connected to the art world in more ways than one: The third movement is based on a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, and Hindemith later turned the symphony into an opera about the painter Matthias Grunewald.
Stravinsky's wildly popular ballet, The Firebird, was written in 1910 and the composer subsequently created shorter, revised suites of the work for the concert hall in 1911, 1919, and again in 1945. While Stravinsky may have created so many revised versions because of his artistic temperament and need to constantly tinker with the score, each revision also came with fresh copyrights and extended the financial revenue stream of the piece. Touché, Stravinsky!
The Program
Gregory Hughes conductor
Tage Larsen trumpet
GRAINGER: Molly on the Shore
HINDEMITH: Mathis der Maler Symphony
HAYDN: Trumpet Concerto
STRAVINSKY: The Firebird Suite (1919 Version)
This concert will last approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes, with intermission.